Chiropractic + infants.

Why do infants need chiropractic care, is a question we hear often at Grounded Roots Chiropractic?

The simple fact that the number one biggest trauma that anyone goes through in life, is childbirth. Not only is the birthing process hard on mom, but it can also be very hard on baby. Whether, you had a c-section or vaginal birth, take a second to think about how that little one made their grand entrance. Either way, there was some pulling and twisting on the baby’s neck. Misalignments in little ones can lead to colic, latching issues, and disrupted sleeping. Infants can be adjusted as little as a couple minutes to hours old. Adjustments for infants are far different than what you think of for adults. Adjusting babies takes less pressure then it would to test an avocado for ripeness! It is important to give these little miracles the best chance at functioning optimally.

“It’s never to early to start”


“Our first was so easy! When our second one came, it was very different he was having problems sleeping, latching, and was very colicky. We weren’t sure what was going on - Dr. Erika explained that during birth it can be very traumatic- with lots of pulling and twisting on their little necks. Dr. Erika examined him and found the first bone was misaligned. Since getting him adjusted he has been a whole different baby!

He is sleeping, latching and much calmer. ”

-Jean K