Chiropractic + kiddos

Just as it is important for infants and adults to get their nervous systems checked on a regular basis - so is it for kids.

Children often put their bodies under an enormous amount of physical stress such as running, tripping, sports injuries, poor posture during school, sitting on phones all day, along with the chemical and emotional stress. All these encounters can add up to a great deal of stress on their little bodies. All of the stressors affect how well the nervous system works. Although, kids may appear to be healthy and not be expressing any symptoms, those symptoms can show up later in life. When the nervous system is not functioning properly, we typically see kids with different symptoms such as ear infections, asthma, colic, bed-wetting, digestive issues, on medications for ADD and ADHD. This is why it’s Dr. Erika’s goal to help their nervous system function better, allowing them to grow up into thriving, healthy young adults.

“Health kids grow into healthy adults”

“Chiropractic care has been great for my little ones!

Before starting chiropractic care my little one was getting ear infections a couple times a year. Since starting care, she hasn’t had any, and we NO LONGER need to put tubes in her ears!!”

— Kelly J