
“Chiropractic, like gravity, works whether you believe it or not.”

-Sid E. Williams D.C.

“I didn’t believe in Chiropractic at all, I was told by my family it would help. It wasn’t until I was in so much pain that I finally decided to try something different. Well let’s just say, I am now the biggest believer and advocate for Chiropractic care!!”

— Mackenzie

“The technique that Dr. Erika uses has been great for me! I have suffered with High Blood Pressure for years and with Dr. Erika’s help we have been able to lower it and keep it lower!”

— Joe A

“I have been going to the Chiropractor for years, I have tried all sorts of techniques- BUT it wasn’t until I started seeing Dr. Erika when my Sciatic has really started improving! I also feel like I am able to maintain the adjustments longer.”

— Jean K

“I have worked on concrete floors for the last 30 + years and because of that damage to my body- I deal with really bad planter fasciitis and low back pain. The technique - torque and release that Dr. Erika uses has been what I was looking for. Its gentle and safe BUT makes a huge difference in how I feel and am able to move at work!! ”

— Kim T

“Dr. Erika explained and educated me on all the different stresses our bodies go through on a daily basis. Well physical trauma was no surprise to me as I have worked construction for the last 25 years. What I didn’t know was the chemical trauma I was also doing to my body over those same years—fast food lunches, smoking, and soda. Now I have add emotional trauma to my body too- taking a new job brought many new stresses. So needless to say when I came to Dr. Erika, I was in pretty rough shape. Over the last several months with an aggressive care plan - we have been able to make HUGE IMPROVEMENTS!!”

  • Increased sleep

  • Less low back pain

  • Less tension in my neck

    — William T

“I have been taking my little ones to Dr. Erika for a while now, she is amazing with them! She is so gentle and caring. We love her. ”

— Ashley S