Sleep Sleep Sleep.. and why you need more of it!

Did you know sleep is the most underestimated recovery tool there is. Sleep allows the body time to rest and rejuvenate. When the body is resting It gives the brain time to get ready for physical and mental stresses it will have to endure the following day. Adults need between 7 -9 hours of sleep a night on average, this can depend on health conditions and age. For children sleep is especially important because their brains are still developing and growing. Lack of proper sleep can have adverse effects on your health.

Lack of sleep can lead to serve health conditions. 

Lack of sleep can lead to several side effects beside just being tired +  irritable and reaching for highly caffeinated drink all day. Poor memory and focus are common when the body isn’t able to recovery at night, this can lead other issues like anxiety or depression.  When your body doesn’t get the proper sleep and recovery it can to a compromised immune system. When the immune system is weaken it can leave the body susceptible to other diseases. 

Chiropractic care + sleep 

Wether it’s a lack of time for sleep, insomnia, or difficulty falling or staying asleep chiropractic care can help. Regular chiropractic care can help with improving overall sleep and health. Several case studies have shown links between improved sleep patterns and chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Erika has several patients who came for a variety of other symptoms not related to sleep conditions at all, but she continues to hear on a daily basis “ wow- I can’t believe how much better I am sleeping at night!!”


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